
Keywords: Text2Motion, VQ-VQE, Resnet, Transformer, 2024

MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions_CVPR_2024

Chuan Guo∗ Yuxuan Mu∗ Muhammad Gohar Javed∗ Sen Wang
Li Cheng
University of Alberta
{cguo2, ymu3, javed4, lcheng5}






Conventional motion VQ-VAEs [16, 21, 49, 52] transform a motion sequence into one tuple of discrete motion tokens. inevitably leads to information loss, which further limits the quality of reconstruction.


Our main contributions can be summarized as follows:
First, our MoMask is the first generative masked modeling framework for the problem of text-to-motion generation. It comprises of a hierarchical quantization generative model and the dedicated mechanism for precise residual quantization, base token generation and residual token prediction.

Second, our MoMask pipeline produces precise and efficient text-to-motion generation. Empirically, it achieves new state-of-the-art performance on text-to-motion generation task with an FID of 0.045 (vs. 0.141 in [49]) on HumanML3D and 0.204 (vs. 0.514 in [49]) on KIT-ML.

Third, our MoMask also works well for related tasks, such as textguided motion inpainting.


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Firstly, while MoMask excels in fidelity and faithfulness for text-to-motion synthesis, its diversity is relatively limited.

Secondly, MoMask requires the target length as input for motion generation. This could be properly addressed by applying the text2length sampling [15] beforehand.

Thirdly, akin to most VQ-based methods, MoMask may face challenges when generating motions with fast-changing root motions, such as spinning.


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