Keywords: Particle, Rigidbody, Cloth, Constraints, python
This is the Chapter7 ReadingNotes from book Computer Animation_ Algorithms and Techniques_ Parent-Elsevier (2012).
For our example of cloth, instead of specifying where wrinkles might go and the movement of individual vertices, the animator would merely be able to set parameters that indicate the type and thickness of the cloth material.
Basic physics-a review
Spring-damper pair
Spring animation examples
Flexible objects
Virtual springs
Particle systems
Particle generation
Particle attributes
Particle termination
Particle animation
Particle rendering
Particle system representation
Forces on particles
Particle life span
Rigid body simulation
Bodies in free fall
Bodies in collision
Dynamics of linked hierarchies
Direct modeling of folds
Physically based modeling
Enforcing soft and hard constraints
Energy minimization
Space-time constraints
Chapter summary